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Creating In-Game Currency

You can use the IOTA Closed-Loop Token standard to develop in-game currencies like gems or diamonds commonly found in mobile games. These tokens can be awarded to players for their actions or made available for purchase. While minted on the IOTA network, players can only use these tokens within the game's ecosystem. Typically, such tokens are non-transferable and are minted in predefined quantities to maintain scarcity and balance within the game.

Setting Up the GEM Currency

In the following example creates an in-game currency called GEM, representing a specific amount of IOTA. Players can purchase fungible GEMs using IOTA, which they can then spend within the game.

Example Overview

The IOTA repository includes a [basic example of creating an in-game currency] The Move modules responsible for establishing the game's economy are located in the gems.move source file.

The examples::sword Module

The examples::sword module defines an in-game object, a sword, which holds value within the game. This module assigns a GEM value to the sword and includes the logic for trading GEMs to acquire a sword.

module examples::sword {

use iota::token::{Self, Token, ActionRequest};
use examples::gem::GEM;

/// Trying to purchase a sword with an incorrect amount.
const EWrongAmount: u64 = 0;

/// The price of a sword in Gems.
const SWORD_PRICE: u64 = 10;

/// A game item that can be purchased with Gems.
public struct Sword has key, store { id: UID }

/// Purchase a sword with Gems.
public fun buy_sword(
gems: Token<GEM>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): (Sword, ActionRequest<GEM>) {
assert!(SWORD_PRICE == token::value(&gems), EWrongAmount);
Sword { id: object::new(ctx) },
token::spend(gems, ctx)

The examples::gem Module

The examples::gem module is responsible for creating the GEM in-game currency. Players spend IOTA to purchase GEMs, which they can trade for swords or other in-game items. The module defines three tiers of GEM packages—small, medium, and large—each representing different in-game values. Constants within the module specify both the value and the quantity of GEMs in each package.

Initializing the GEM Currency

The init function in the module uses coin::create_currency to create the GEM currency. This function runs only once upon module publication. It sets the policies for the in-game currency, freezes the coin's metadata, and transfers the policy capability to the package publisher.

    fun init(otw: GEM, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let (treasury_cap, coin_metadata) = coin::create_currency(
otw, 0, b"GEM", b"Gems", // otw, decimal, symbol, name
b"In-game currency for Miners", none(), // description, url

// create a `TokenPolicy` for GEMs
let (mut policy, cap) = token::new_policy(&treasury_cap, ctx);

token::allow(&mut policy, &cap, buy_action(), ctx);
token::allow(&mut policy, &cap, token::spend_action(), ctx);

// create and share the GemStore
transfer::share_object(GemStore {
id: object::new(ctx),
gem_treasury: treasury_cap,
profits: balance::zero()

// deal with `TokenPolicy`, `CoinMetadata` and `TokenPolicyCap`
transfer::public_transfer(cap, ctx.sender());

Purchasing GEMs

The module handles the purchase of GEMs through the buy_gems function.

    public fun buy_gems(
self: &mut GemStore, payment: Coin<IOTA>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): (Token<GEM>, ActionRequest<GEM>) {
let amount = coin::value(&payment);
let purchased = if (amount == SMALL_BUNDLE) {
} else if (amount == MEDIUM_BUNDLE) {
} else if (amount == LARGE_BUNDLE) {
} else {
abort EUnknownAmount

coin::put(&mut self.profits, payment);

// create custom request and mint some Gems
let gems = token::mint(&mut self.gem_treasury, purchased, ctx);
let req = token::new_request(buy_action(), purchased, none(), none(), ctx);

(gems, req)

Viewing the Complete Module Code

For a comprehensive understanding, you can view the complete code of the gems.move module below.

Click to expand the full module code
// Copyright (c) Mysten Labs, Inc.
// Modifications Copyright (c) 2024 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

/// This is a simple example of a permissionless module for an imaginary game
/// that sells swords for Gems. Gems are an in-game currency that can be bought
/// with IOTA.
module examples::sword {

use iota::token::{Self, Token, ActionRequest};
use examples::gem::GEM;

/// Trying to purchase a sword with an incorrect amount.
const EWrongAmount: u64 = 0;

/// The price of a sword in Gems.
const SWORD_PRICE: u64 = 10;

/// A game item that can be purchased with Gems.
public struct Sword has key, store { id: UID }

/// Purchase a sword with Gems.
public fun buy_sword(
gems: Token<GEM>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): (Sword, ActionRequest<GEM>) {
assert!(SWORD_PRICE == token::value(&gems), EWrongAmount);
Sword { id: object::new(ctx) },
token::spend(gems, ctx)

/// Module that defines the in-game currency: GEMs which can be purchased with
/// IOTA and used to buy swords (in the `sword` module).
module examples::gem {
use std::option::none;
use std::string::{Self, String};
use iota::iota::IOTA;
use iota::balance::{Self, Balance};
use iota::coin::{Self, Coin, TreasuryCap};

use iota::token::{Self, Token, ActionRequest};

/// Trying to purchase Gems with an unexpected amount.
const EUnknownAmount: u64 = 0;

/// 10 IOTA is the price of a small bundle of Gems.
const SMALL_BUNDLE: u64 = 10_000_000_000;
const SMALL_AMOUNT: u64 = 100;

/// 100 IOTA is the price of a medium bundle of Gems.
const MEDIUM_BUNDLE: u64 = 100_000_000_000;
const MEDIUM_AMOUNT: u64 = 5_000;

/// 1000 IOTA is the price of a large bundle of Gems.
/// This is the best deal.
const LARGE_BUNDLE: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000;
const LARGE_AMOUNT: u64 = 100_000;

/// Gems can be purchased through the `Store`.
public struct GemStore has key {
id: UID,
/// Profits from selling Gems.
profits: Balance<IOTA>,
/// The Treasury Cap for the in-game currency.
gem_treasury: TreasuryCap<GEM>,

/// The OTW to create the in-game currency.
public struct GEM has drop {}

// In the module initializer we create the in-game currency and define the
// rules for different types of actions.
fun init(otw: GEM, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let (treasury_cap, coin_metadata) = coin::create_currency(
otw, 0, b"GEM", b"Gems", // otw, decimal, symbol, name
b"In-game currency for Miners", none(), // description, url

// create a `TokenPolicy` for GEMs
let (mut policy, cap) = token::new_policy(&treasury_cap, ctx);

token::allow(&mut policy, &cap, buy_action(), ctx);
token::allow(&mut policy, &cap, token::spend_action(), ctx);

// create and share the GemStore
transfer::share_object(GemStore {
id: object::new(ctx),
gem_treasury: treasury_cap,
profits: balance::zero()

// deal with `TokenPolicy`, `CoinMetadata` and `TokenPolicyCap`
transfer::public_transfer(cap, ctx.sender());

/// Purchase Gems from the GemStore. Very silly value matching against module
/// constants...
public fun buy_gems(
self: &mut GemStore, payment: Coin<IOTA>, ctx: &mut TxContext
): (Token<GEM>, ActionRequest<GEM>) {
let amount = coin::value(&payment);
let purchased = if (amount == SMALL_BUNDLE) {
} else if (amount == MEDIUM_BUNDLE) {
} else if (amount == LARGE_BUNDLE) {
} else {
abort EUnknownAmount

coin::put(&mut self.profits, payment);

// create custom request and mint some Gems
let gems = token::mint(&mut self.gem_treasury, purchased, ctx);
let req = token::new_request(buy_action(), purchased, none(), none(), ctx);

(gems, req)

/// The name of the `buy` action in the `GemStore`.
public fun buy_action(): String { string::utf8(b"buy") }