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union EndOfEpochTransactionKind = ChangeEpochTransaction | ChangeEpochTransactionV2 | AuthenticatorStateCreateTransaction | AuthenticatorStateExpireTransaction | BridgeStateCreateTransaction | BridgeCommitteeInitTransaction

Possible types

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.ChangeEpochTransaction object

A system transaction that updates epoch information on-chain (increments the current epoch). Executed by the system once per epoch, without using gas. Epoch change transactions cannot be submitted by users, because validators will refuse to sign them.

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.ChangeEpochTransactionV2 object

A system transaction that updates epoch information on-chain (increments the current epoch). Executed by the system once per epoch, without using gas. Epoch change transactions cannot be submitted by users, because validators will refuse to sign them.

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.AuthenticatorStateCreateTransaction object

System transaction for creating the on-chain state used by zkLogin.

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.AuthenticatorStateExpireTransaction object

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.BridgeStateCreateTransaction object

EndOfEpochTransactionKind.BridgeCommitteeInitTransaction object

Member Of

EndOfEpochTransactionKindConnection object ● EndOfEpochTransactionKindEdge object